public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "open source"

February 2014


by jpcaruana
service upload images

January 2014

September 2013

Mailpile: Let's take e-mail back!

by srcmax
A modern, fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features. 100% Free and Open Source software

June 2013

L'agriculteur qui prépare la révolution open-source

by groucho & 1 other
L'agriculteur qui prépare la révolution open-source


by gregg
Korsakow is an open-source application for creating web docs and other kinds of nonlinear, interactive narratives. It requires no programming expertise at all, and is available for Windows and Mac

May 2013

Informatique : vendre le vieux monde ?

by dszalkowski
Informatique : vendre le vieux monde ? En 10 ans, du fait de l'accélération des débits de l'Internet, le secteur de l'IT vient de connaître de profonds bouleversements aux conséquences extrêmement fortes sur l'emploi informatique.  Dsfc

March 2013

Welcome to fabtools’s documentation! — fabtools 0.12.0 documentation

by jpcaruana
fabtools includes useful functions to help you write your Fabric files. fabtools makes it easier to manage system users, packages, databases, etc. fabtools includes a number of low-level actions, as well as a higher level interface called fabtools.require. Using fabtools.require allows you to use a more declarative style, similar to Chef or Puppet.

February 2013


by Xavier Lacot
Tizen is an open source, standards-based software platform for multiple device categories: tablets, smartphones, etc. Pushed by Samsung and Apple

January 2013


by jpcaruana
EtherCalc is a web spreadsheet.

darktable | the photo workflow software

by jpcaruana & 2 others (via)
darktable is an open source photography workflow application and RAW developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.


by jpcaruana
Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a lot of the functional programming suppor

November 2012

Joël de Rosnay: "les visions pyramidales sont en train d'exploser"

by Monique

Joël de Rosnay n’est pas de ceux qu’il faut convaincre que l’économie collaborative est l’avenir. Non seulement il a conscience de la transformation en cours de la société, mais il a même une idée assez précise de ce à quoi celle-ci va ressembler. Selon lui, cette transformation est liée à trois évolutions principales :

L’émergence de la culture numérique débouche assez naturellement sur une culture du partage,

La société pyramidale est amenée à laisser sa place à un soft power transversal,

La montée de valeurs comme l’empathie et l’altruisme (“pas un altruisme bisounours, un altruisme win-win“)

October 2012

EB Garamond

by emmanuelc
Claude Garamont’s designs go open source

Open Baskerville

by emmanuelc
Welcome to Open Baskerville, an open source project to create a digital revival of the famous ‘Baskerville’ typefaces. To be precise, Open Baskerville is based upon Fry’s Baskerville, a Baskerville-inspired derivative created by Isaac Moore, a punchcutter who worked for the type foundry of Joseph Fry. The font is dual-licensed under the Open Font License and the GNU GPL version 3.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "open source"

3d +   driver +   flash +   hardware +   homebrew +   linux +   nintendods +   opengl +   operating system +   programmation +   programming +   second life +   software +   video +   virtual word +   visualisation +